At times, we’ve all spent too much time and effort working on the wrong things, whether it’s putting hours into status updates that never get read, or prioritizing a presentation’s design over the message. As a manager, you can help your team avoid these pitfalls and prioritize the tasks that matter the most. First, set clear end dates for large initiatives, assign approximate hours for key project milestones, and coach people if they’re spending too much time on a specific task. At the same time, avoid crossing the line into micromanaging. Emphasize that perfect is often the enemy of good. Encourage team members to set timers for smaller tasks, like crafting emails or searching for images for presentations. Also, remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes; the typo in the newsletter or the file that wasn’t attached to the email will not make or break their career. Finally, help them make connections across the organization so they know who can help them and answer questions when necessary. Emphasize that you don’t expect them to go it alone and that collaborating with others can make sure that you all are collectively working on the right things on behalf of the organization.
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