In the competitive landscape of insta-fame dominated by celebrities and such, gaining followers on instagram is a daunting challenge for all of us. We setup our accounts and follow our contacts and start sharing pictures, but even after hundreds’ of posts our follower count seems never to move.
Googling how to gain followers leads us to con-sites selling fake followers with no value or blog posts narrating the pillar of marketing viz-a-viz consistency. (Apologies if you landed here from a similar google search).
This blog post is not a coherent list of how to’s for everyone to follow. I cannot give you a posting schedule to follow which gives you maximum reach. (If you have 20 followers your schedule is not the problem).
Don’t get me wrong, following a schedule, being consistent with your posts interacting on the platform is very important and crucial for success on any of the social platforms and if you have these basics down you will probably fare better than most.
This post is for slightly advance users who follow all the basics but still have trouble with growing their following.
In this post, I would like to discuss key qualitative factors which affect your performance on Instagram (or any other social media) rather than focusing on the quantitative ones.
1. Personal Reputation Management:

Celebrities all over the world normally have an online reputation management consultant and a public relations management consultant closely monitoring their reputations and trends. Reputation Management is vital for growth on public platforms. Though I don’t expect anyone reading this blog to hire a consultant to manage their public reputation but you should definitely spend some time learning the basics of reputation management and try to implement the practices of the same to your personal goals.
2. Understanding Behaviour:

Marketers spend millions on consumer research to gain greater insights on consumer behaviour as they understand its importance. Similarly you need to invest a lot of time in thinking about your target audience. Some basic analysis can provide amazing insights, going through your followers likes, shares, and checking which accounts they follow to find common patterns among them will help you map your demographic in surprising ways you had never thought of before.
3. Get an Interactive Job:

This might sound stupid, but the hard truth today is that there is more clutter online than ever before. There strongest connections are still real life interactions and having a job in which you require to interact with new people and exchange contact information is by far the best way to gain loyal online following. If you are already working try your hand at volunteering part-time. Gaining one follower who knows you in real life is worth ten times your other followers.
Hope the post gave you some ideas for upping your social media game plan. Do Share if you have any other observations which are not repeated on every other blog.
And as always thanks for reading
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