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Empower Yourself in the Face of Uncertainty

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It’s natural to fear the unknown, but uncertainty doesn’t have to be debilitating. Here’s how to empower yourself to step confidently into the unknown and seize the opportunities it presents.

  • Reframe. Every situation has upsides and downsides. When faced with uncertainty, focus on the former, rather than the latter.
  • Prime yourself. There are many types of risks: financial, intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and so on. Identify which ones you have a natural aversion to or affinity with. This will help you approach uncertain situations with more self-awareness and confidence.
  • Take small steps. If you’re unsure how a situation or idea will play out, starting modestly can be more effective and less anxiety-provoking than trying to do everything at once.
  • Prepare yourself for setbacks. It’s frustrating when something doesn’t turn out the way you’d hoped or intended. Allow yourself to feel disappointed and frustrated, then ask yourself, “What insights can I take away from this?” You’ll be able to learn from the setback and adopt a new approach.

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